roseau LOAD FLOW

roseau LOAD FLOW
A simple yet powerful power flow solver accessible through a Python API

import numpy as np
import roseau.load_flow as rlf
# Define optional quantities
un = rlf.Q_(400.0, "V") # Nominal voltage
u_min = rlf.Q_(90, "%") # Minimum voltage level
u_max = rlf.Q_(110, "%") # Maximum
ampacity = rlf.Q_(500, "A") # Ampacity
# Create two buses
source_bus = rlf.Bus(
id="sb", phases="abcn", nominal_voltage=un, min_voltage_level=u_min, max_voltage_level=u_max
load_bus = rlf.Bus(
id="lb", phases="abcn", nominal_voltage=un, min_voltage_level=u_min, max_voltage_level=u_max
# Define the reference of potentials to be the neutral of the source bus
ground = rlf.Ground(id="gnd")
pref = rlf.PotentialRef(id="pref", element=ground) # Fix the potential of the ground at 0 V
ground.connect(source_bus, phase="n")
# Create a LV source at the first bus: 230V phase-to-neutral
vs = rlf.VoltageSource(id="vs", bus=source_bus, phases="abcn", voltages=rlf.Q_(230, "V"))
# Add a load at the second bus: 10kW per phase
load = rlf.PowerLoad(id="load", bus=load_bus, phases="abcn", powers=rlf.Q_(10 + 0j, "kVA"))
# Add a LV line between the source bus and the load bus
z = rlf.Q_((0.1 + 0.0j), "ohm/km") # R = 0.1 Ohm, X = 0
lp = rlf.LineParameters("lp", z_line=z * np.eye(4, dtype=complex), ampacities=ampacity)
line = rlf.Line(id="line", bus1=source_bus, bus2=load_bus, parameters=lp, length=rlf.Q_(2.0, "km"))
# Create the electrical network
en = rlf.ElectricalNetwork.from_element(source_bus)
<ElectricalNetwork: 2 buses, 1 branch, 1 load, 1 source, 1 ground, 1 potential ref>
# Solve the load flow
(2, 1.9682139651422403e-07)
In need of a trustful load flow solver? We'll share ours!
Roseau Load Flow was originally developed for Roseau Technologies’ internal use, but good things are meant to be shared. That’s why we made a first public release of the power flow solver in February 2023. Give it a try!

Static power systems analysis
Standard load flow computation and other applications such as fault current calculation

Full support of meshed networks, multiple phases and grid imbalance
Models of polyphase lines and transformers
Solves for unbalanced loading conditions and unbalanced faults

Accessible from a Python API
- Human-readable, object-oriented modeling of the grid
- Scripting for process automation
- Easy integration with other software
# Let's use a pq(u) control injecting reactive power
# before reducing active power
fp = FlexibleParameter.pq_u_production(
up_up=Q_(240, "V"),
up_max=250, # Volt by default
uq_min=Q_(200, "V"),
uq_down=Q_(210, "V"),
uq_up=Q_(235, "V"),
uq_max=Q_(240, "V"),
s_max=Q_(4, "kVA")
flexible_load = PowerLoad(
powers=Q_([-3.5, 0, 0], "kVA"),
# Solve the load flow
# prints: 2 iterations
# Get the results
# prints: [242.72 232.62 233.68]
Fully generic modeling of loads and generators
- Library of standard loads (constant active/reactive loads, impedance loads…)
- Flexible generators can be finely modeled with P(U) and/or Q(U) curves and apparent power limits
- Generic design that makes it easy to add any new type of voltage-dependent loads/generators in the future
Simplicity and user-friendliness
- Synthetic, well-documented Python API
- Straightforward, transparent mathematical models: no transformation of the natural model, such as eliminating the neutral wire (Kron’s reduction) or changing the units to “p.u.”
- Support for physical units to avoid errors (e.g. confusing W and kW) and let everyone work with their preferred units (metric / imperial)
# Results per object
>>> abs(load_bus.res_voltages).to("kV")
# [0.22193 0.22193 0.22193]
>>> abs(line.res_currents[0])
# [45.06, 45.06, 45.06, 0. ]
# Global Results (data frame)
>>> en.res_buses_voltages.transform([np.abs, np.angle]) # in V
# voltage
# absolute angle
# bus_id phase
# sb an 230.940108 6.671617e-37
# bn 230.940108 -2.094395e+00
# cn 230.940108 2.094395e+00
# lb an 221.928183 2.599590e-22
# bn 221.928183 -2.094395e+00
# cn 221.928183 2.094395e+00
>>> en.res_loads # in A, VA and V
# type current power potential
# load_id phase
# load a power 45.06+0.00j 10000.00-0.00j 221.93-0.00j
# b power -22.53-39.02j 10000.00-0.00j -110.96-192.20j
# c power -22.53+39.02j 10000.00+0.00j -110.96+192.20j
# n power -0.00+0.00j -0.00+0.00j 0.00-0.00j
Samples of grid data included

- Get started with ease thanks to the 20 Low Voltage and 20 Medium Voltage feeders included in Roseau Load Flow. Need to go further? We can provide you with the electrical model of the French distribution network, with tens of thousands of MV and LV feeders already modelled.
- Each network is given with its summer and winter load point.
- More info here!
Get your Roseau Load Flow licence
A free, public licence key is available for calculations on networks with up to ten nodes. Want to go further? Contact us to obtain your personal licence key.
Students and teachers: enter your academic email address below and you will receive your free licence key.